
American Society of Addiciton Medicine
Mar 24, 2023 Reporting from Rockville, MD
KYSAM Supports Decriminalizing Fentanyl Test Strips
Mar 24, 2023
On March 24th, the Kentucky Society of Addiction Medicine (KYSAM) sent a letter to members of Senate Committee of Health Services supporting HB 353.

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American Society of Addictin Medicine


KYSAM Supports Decriminalizing Fentanyl Test Strips

On March 24th, the Kentucky Society of Addiction Medicine (KYSAM) sent a letter to members of Senate Committee of Health Services supporting HB 353. This bipartisan legislation would remove drug testing equipment, including fentanyl test strips (FTS), from drug paraphernalia classification under state law. Additionally, this bill would provide legal immunity for possession of trace amounts synthetic opioids.

In the letter, KYSAM emphasized that expanding legal access to fentanyl test strips is an evidence-based harm reduction strategy, especially in light of escalating overdose deaths. KYSAM noted that fentanyl test strips are accessible and inexpensive tests that can be utilized by persons who use drugs to detect the presence of fentanyl with high accuracy. Based on the information from these tests, individuals can take precautions accordingly, including changing their drug use patterns and seeking treatment. In sum, KYSAM praised HB 353 as a step forward to improve public safety and address the overdose epidemic. 

Read the letter .